2021: Not Over Yet ~ 26 Dec 2021

Coming off the trine of Mars in Sagittarius to Chiron in Aries, Mars now works into a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius on 28 December within the same day that Jupiter gets into the swim of Pisces. On 29 December, the Sun in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries.

How fortuitous is all this!? The year’s not done and Jupiter changing signs declares a new agenda of goals and aspirations good for signing on.

With objectives defined, Mars, assigned to the task of only good-for-ya agendas reaches to Saturn, imagining that this next personal effort, might be more than that. It could go mainstream, viral, and impact the planet in a huge and positive manner.

The Sun’s square to Chiron cautions the ego to keep things in perspective. This is a Goldilocks aspect... let’s not be too grand about projections for what can be bitten off and chewed; let’s not look at 2022 as was done 2021 on the heels of 2020... I hope this year doesn’t suck the same canal water. Says the Sun, let’s shine our light, gregariousness, graciousness and good without reservation or expectation. Let’s do what must be done because the essence of the spirit yearns for it to be done.

Get a leg up on next year. There’s no need to wait for the for the Earth to reach perihelion (4 January)... or the Epiphany (6 January)... or Venus going direct (29 January)... or after the Super Bowl. The time is now.

Mars in Sag seeks clear direction and action based upon solid beliefs. Chiron in Aries sends pings to remind a body that it’s all about doing good for the self. The Sun wants you to be full, expansive and beaming the best that can be beamed. Jupiter promotes creative expression as the superior tool on the tool belt. Even if underused, or never used, the talent and skill within, now fully applied yields the best of the best rewards.

Summarize, synthesize and put it all out there as soon as you can. The sooner the better says Mars, and the fire signs of Aries and Sagittarius, both in big play. Tarry not. Hit the gas and get going... without burning up tread.

This next year Jupiter zooms through Pisces and leaps into Aries. His claim will be, you thought it, now do it! Before Jupiter treks into Aries, he does something else most remarkable... he aligns with Neptune in Pisces in April. This could signify the creative high water mark of the year. With Neptune, one thing for sure, these two work to shed the psychic doldrums of the past years. It almost seems that no one can think back prior to 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn did what they did all square Eris.

It’s difficult to recall that 2020 concluded with a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, the degree of which will be simultaneously transited in early March by Venus and Mars in conjunction. This upcoming cool transit notation sets up the sprint through the remainder of the month and smack dab up to the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction.

This gaseous giant combo platter reminds us all that for something to be accomplished, it must be conceived then realized. Once realized the initial impulse requires refined and execution with the belief that it is a “thing” it grant psychic permission for it to become as huge as it may become.

Ahead, there are reasons for optimism. Additionally, there is no reason to hesitate... to wait for Venus to figure out her deal with Pluto. The soulful triggers and inspirations are properly placed on the smorgasbord of life. Grab a plate. Might as well start next year psychically fortified by the persuasions of the planets.

More next year!!